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Love Big, Grow Deep and Go Out!

Welcome to Grace Covenant Church! We are a diverse group of people unified in our love for God and in our desire to see people grow as followers of Jesus. We are eager to share this love of God that has transformed us with everyone we meet, everywhere we go! All living things grow and change – so we anticipate growth and change will occur in our lives as we follow God and serve His mission.

Loving Big means loving sacrificially and loving extravagantly. It means loving God and loving others – even folks we don’t agree with or loving people who look or behave differently than us.

Growing Deep means we help people grow deep roots in God. Understanding and experiencing God’s great love transforms us into grateful people who want to grow more and more like Christ in every way. We grow beyond false ideas, the trendiness of culture – even to the point where severe challenges in life cannot shake us away from our faith in Christ – rather, we grow stronger!

Going out means we are compelled by God’s love to pursue His mission – sharing the transforming power of His love that we have received with everyone we meet, everywhere we go. With our neighbors, with our coworkers, with fellow students…everyone God has created can receive and be changed by His great love. We invite you to join us as we love, grow, and go.

We're Here to Love and Serve