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Katherine Johnson - September 21, 2020


Many of us escape the busyness of our daily lives by vacationing at the beach, the mountains or a lake. We go with the hope of receiving some peace and quiet. It is beneficial to take time away to be refreshed and experience a slower pace, but what happens when we return to the ordinary? Is peace something that can only be achieved outside of our everyday lives?

From Series: "Locally Grown - East"

Locally Grown. Welcome to our new sermon series where we will teach on each of the fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. Love. Joy. Peace, Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control. Could our world not use a little (a lot!) more of all of these right now?? As we allow the Holy Spirit full access to our lives, all of this fruit grows in us (doesn't get more local than that!) and then flows out of us. What's the condition of your fruit lately? The fruit of the Spirit. It. Is. Quality!

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